السيرة الذاتية للأستاذ الدكتور محمد صالح أمين لجنة المبيدات وزارة الزراعة المصرية

>>أكثر الشخصيات إحاطة بالجانب الفني لعمل لجنة المبيدات 

السيرة الذاتية للاستاذ الدكتور محمد صالح أمين لجنة المبيدات – وزارة الزراعة – مصر 

Dr. Mohamed Abdallah Ali Saleh                    

Professor of Pesticides Chemistry

Department of Pesticides Analysis Research

Central Agricultural Pesticide Lab.

Agricultural Research Center

Personal Data

Date of Birth: 25-09-1948

Social &Marital Status: Married

Work Address

Work1(): Central Agricultural Pesticides Lab. – 7 Nadi El-Seidst. – Dokki – Giza, Egypt – Tel.: +20(0)2 37616858 – +20(0)37602209

Work(2): Agricultural Pesticides Committee – Ministry of Agriculture & Land Reclamation – Dokki – Giza, Egypt – Tel.&Fax.: +20(0)2 37481378

HomeAddress:El-Birigate, Al-Behaira Governorate – Egypt


Sc. in Bio-chemistry, June 1970,

(Awarding institution: Bio Chemistry Dept., Faculty of Agriculture, Ain Shams University)

Sc. in Bio-Chemistry, June 1978,

(Awarding institution: Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University)

PhD in Bio-Chemistry, June 1982,

(Awarding institution: Faculty of Agriculture, Cairo University)

Academic Position

Head Researcher (1993 – till the Present)

Senior Researcher (1987 – 1993)

Researcher (1982 – 1987)

Associate Researcher (1978 – 1982)

Research Assistant (1973 – 1978)

Professional Affiliation

Head of Department of Pesticides Analysis Research (1997 – 2000)

Director of Central Agricultural Pesticides Laboratory (2002 – 2003)

Member of Agricultural Pesticides Committee (2002 – 2005)

Chairman of Egypt – Finland Agricultural Research Project (2003 – 2004)

General Secretary of Agricultural Pesticides Committee (2008 – Present)

Applied work Experience:

Analysis (determine chemical and physical properties) of all Agr. Pesticides applied for plant protection program in Egypt since 1972 till the present.

Analysis of pesticide residues in vegetables, crops, soil, animal tissues and stored grains.

Biochemical and Toxicological studies of pesticides on experimental animals and some pests.

Experience in using the following instruments.

Gas liquid chromatography (GLC) and GC/ MS

High performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC)

Infra-red Spectroscopy (IR)

Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AA)

Educational& Academic work Experience:

Working as a lecturer and Associate professor of General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry in El-Araby Ben Mehidi University – Algeria (1985 – 1991)

Teaching the pesticides registration roles, safety uses, Africans candidates and agriculture engineering

Participation and attended Conferences& Workshops:

The 4th of Pest Control – NRC, Cairo (1978)

The 4th Arab Pesticide Conf. – Tanta Univ., Tanta (1981)

The 5th Arab Pesticide Conf. – Tanta Univ., Tanta (1983)

The 6th Arab Pesticide Conf. – Tanta Univ., Tanta (1985)

, “Bio-pesticides Registration and pesticides Residue Monitoring” workshop,Kenya, August 2008 in collaboration with USDA.

“Regional Pesticide Risk Workshop”,Algeria – December 2013 in collaboration with USDA

“Regional Pesticide Risk Workshop”,Jordan – April 2014 in collaboration with USDA

The 2nd International Conf. of Environmental Science, Pesticides, Toxicology and plant protection Researches, May 2014, Cairo – Egypt.

Meeting between APC and ICAMA “The Second Egyptian-Chinese Meeting on Pesticide Regulation The Agricultural Pesticide Committee, Egypt”, October, 2015

Academic thesis supervision:

Supervised more than 30 MSC and PHD degrees in Pesticides& Plant Protection field.


Published more than 41 Scientific Journals(National & International) in related fields

Books Published:

Agricultural pestmanagement recommendations book  published – 2012, 2014, 2015  2016

The Training Programme guide for pesticide factories employees- published 2013

The Training Programme guide for those involved in the field of pesticide trading – published 2014

The Training Programme guide for AgriculturalExtension Engineers and Pesticides Applicators – published 2014

Rules of the registration and trading of agricultural pesticides in Egypt – published 2015

Ministerial decrees of Regulating Agricultural pesticides in Egypt since 2008